An exhaustive list of my publications and given talks is listed below.
Journal Articles
"Elementary moves on lattice polytopes"
with Julien David and Lionel Pournin.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 2020.
Conference Proceedings
"The vertices of primitive zonotopes"
with Antoine Deza and Lionel Pournin.
Contemporary Mathematics, to appear. -
"A Markov Chain for lattice polytopes"
with Julien David and Lionel Pournin.
11th GASCom on random generation of combinatorial structures. 2018.
"On the combinatorics of lattice polytopes : random sampling and enumeration"
PhD Thesis, supervised by Lionel Pournin and Julien David. 2020. -
"Génération aléatoire de polytopes entiers"
Master Thesis, supervised by Vonjy Rasendrahasina, Lionel Pournin and Julien David. 2016.
"On the number of lattice (d,k)-polytopes"
LRI, Orsay, France. May 2019.
Séminaire d'Équipe Graphes, Algorithmes et Combinatoire (GALaC). -
"On the number of lattice (d,k)-polytopes"
LABRI, Bordeaux, France. April 2019.
Séminaire d'Équipe Combinatoire et Algorithmique. -
"A Markov Chain for lattice polytopes"
Athens, Greece. June 2018.
11th GASCom on random generation of combinatorial structures. -
"Random sampling of lattice polytopes"
Villetaneuse, France. June 2018.
Journée scientifique de l'école doctorale Galilée. Best talk award